Rabu, 11 Oktober 2017

car rental from sydney to gold coast

finally, the boots and jeans kind of weather. leticia: we are getting pumped up. if you are looking for a fun halloween party for your entire family, there is one in elk grove tonight benefiting children in the sacramento

region. the founder joins us to talk about the big event and the fun in store. what have you brought with you this morning? we have rapunzel, we have aerial -- ariel.

leticia: nice characters here. this is such a fun party you have in store. tell us what's going on in elk grove. for people who want something different to do, we are emphasizing the superhero theme. we don't have anything scary.

all caps of people coming. people can take pictures with them. we are also showing "the avengers" and "the nightmare before christmas," doing fun halloween things. leticia: for people who do not know about your organization,

you dress up in costume year-round to help children in the community. we do a therapeutic thing. we go to where kids are really traumatized, kids with cancer, kids who have been taken out of their homes, and we teach kids to find the hero within them so

they can get through this, give them a sense of self efficacy to get through these traumas. leticia: year-round, people can be superheroes, and you want people to know this is a fun and family-friendly event. absolutely. leticia: details of where this

car rental from sydney to gold coast

car rental from sydney to gold coast,

is happening today -- the heroes, princesses, and comics party is tonight from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the false event

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