nelson here giving back launched a three uh... speaking through actually sky coming up here you are now have mythis is the face of
libido in women, between one convention dream six in behind me also known as inthe johnson ice is talking about allot about some really great stuff that's dueto tristen exercised and uh... some things that will probably open your eyesso uh... committed to him the man in
charge they aren't giving up ranting prayers one-shot kind of those at the moment totalk about that quite a bit right now i thought you guys about a newtopic for the event someone who is for this year proper emphasizing nutrition as per thetitle of my speech is subtitled that is shattering acceptednorms revealing the truth about health andfitness
along with me but i i think you have read and agree thatthat's exactly what the speech accomplishes foreclose problems so what's the significance of that is not completely but i think seeing mostlysenator on the one presenter disagree about through the central theme to start outlike that this problem getting rid of it would bearound
for some time to come even if the continue broadening horizons orbit source customers per cup reasons onebecause i believe has yet to see you will see the companies and everything like this related in terms of success you give me a nazi avengers assessincluding women assault and related and connected
kelly disconnect them so let's say women was a bench doesn't really scene aural sea opportunity plywood we'velearned you can uncover the truth about meetingwomen and dramatically improve your quality of life i say below that hooked up
i think if you got some selected todayhe specifically mentioned his transformation of that he went from down here okay term success and slight change i was similar that i worked hard fromthe success and now enjoy i'm not a fair but i enjoy it pretty good love success i work for that that's how it works out
you uncover the truth cousinnationalisms doesn't work out quite alot proves the same can be saidabout emphasizing attrition it to you kind of unravel commercialismsurrounding those topics the qualified and also prove just like name women if you're successful improvesfrom here it here same thing happens with excitementtristen quite what proves
very similar but more importantly i think if you takenor one area of your life or requesting last minute borrowing is is a possible nor one area of life andtruly succeeded in another i think the short term maybe in the longterm is not going to happen you might be a little workout paper likethat that you are still alive so i think that really from my personal space was delightedmothers with similar patterns format
here as nicely as you guys it doesn't worklike that you've got a kind of connectedaltogether electrician expo or christian person specifically as shetalked about you can't ignore when i realized thatsuccess and other ones that doesn't work like that was severely day if you do with women but you're helpless dislike in the shooter
is still like so what we do have woman your house onthe line you get sick a lot you know energy getweight overusing resisting edelbrock rightists askew prostatic heard about that's not cool man so rent were to around that also quick point succeeding in one complements another the said here you'll never get rejectedbecause you are healthy energetic into a
muscle uh... drugs aside like free see largerbodybuilders because of the committee to or so it's ago for a job sorry like you know what your six-pack sweetie tight you have got your these awesome gunslike just adding up and do a bit like usedtoo often it's not gonna happen you know if it does kentucky i'd like to be destroyingstraight out
you know this is the flu crisis not it's not going to make you but it'snever going to hurt you okay so support for attracting women to asrelated susanna common lor did nationalism is ninety nine percentflat out wrong not know that sounds police a little polarizing but i think accidentally see guys can selllike
whitney woman ticular commercialism justsucks only got to be here if you were boughtand this was at work for you commercialism from a woman's does not work we're here almost hysterically because of that now not to say it's a percent wrong alltime some of the comes around i think smokingis a whichever marxist and a great blog at follow oslo these kind of a conventional wisdomthat picked up quite a long time ago it
was considered to be like whateverdidn't actually hurt you and i was the commercialism smokingcigarettes is fine west now sounds ridiculous like you're right getting is some people good teaser whatever thateveryone accepts it just sucks ralph it's not a matter ofday a long time ago wasn't so then ciallysmoking caught on the test was and is not correct
please my opinion in private everything in your life common law are also internationalism it permeates everything as we've beentalking about today as upon the parkway no kidding uh... dating relationships massively sending a business and finance documentslawrence and businesses they stay up
too attached to their old ways education mala brothers twelve years oldi went there for a jesus for databases i note as a age has progressively gottenworse as more and more standardized and more like this standard testing to the testimonies as asteaching to the test and education he's getting out it's whatwas a little sports in school i want to backed it moral it just sucks it just permeates everything in talkingare now
obviously exercising attrition and i think the moment more sense than a minute that doesn'tyet so i ask you because someone was say some allot ofthe most actually is a challenge of the national police if you have on the bottom seven sessionssummit asking stay objective rattling my speech if you have an opinion that sizeinteresting
artery was he doing at school ministry try to set aside for a minutehe's taken saying rationally was look at it logic and the size of the writing or will reference throughout so what is commercial exercise intalking a lot about it what was the fight for a quick minutehere for speaking purposes i think conventional exercise at thecore is any sort of random of random physicalactivity
i mean how do you disagree i mean ourcurrent notion of exercises anything you do thatlegacy sweating i mean most people except that i don'tthink any of disagree with that or the north people actually for missing from the truth you could say which is discussing possible here but that's whati would be truth physical activity is physically damagingby definition is always going to damaging
it can be mildly now or severely now possibly be trauma so you're doing sprints and he trippedand bernie i care about at my school football so it doesn't begin to now more often not it's not the candy running injuries are sky-high over the years though the holland ratefor many people
candid translate into long-term or usinga reason that stayed here we'll have arthritis hodgman problemseven health problems are problems if you do sailing really excessive amounts of like ultra marathons explanations of aheart problems other things too but that's ok like not only has a shotways of doing running or things like that if you enjoyit just be aware of those consequences now later and be aware that it would bethe same body
twenty years from now thirty years now for years now when you pick your physical activityreport form of exercise important and when he had two more men it but thepoint of exercise orton related damage is the right not to damage can beleveraged to allow positive rejected adaptive responses
by the body so damaged sounds good negative likenell so you're really batra position in agood feeling stupid it's not entirely damages cool to see if you do it too much into opportunity or to resolve things we've talked about thecause arthritis and wrote things like that so damages not all bad a lot of it yes but the right amount tobe dosage has dug up talks about in a
book called by the by science initiatives visage like medicine it canbe good to be very beneficial critical for life so ways i hold on mo style the cheesy senators up there but on a clear preference in u_n_ all exercises physical activity bydefinition may properties again and we thinkexercise not physical
i mean neither would know what sizeswhatever but obviously exercise is destructively but the inverse is not true as i stated not all physical activity is exercise asone of like really drive at home it does not work like that conventionalor as to that says is wrong so how to divide up compass collectivity how does that uh... breakdown pardon me i mean section of off to benefit us
i have a pyramid my version of your many ways which he credited gators graphics dot compatrick diverse releasable idea and salt intake and food pyramid by the way of preparing government sucks waited a minute but the care metaphysical activityknowledge a lot my version of it
israel proper exercises foundation toall forms of activity above it so at the bottom of your pyramid iswhat's really should be doing could benefit your self and whatever there is a have weatherbyhealth fat loss recreation dyspnea being active disarm excelling in a combative sport we're not going to support your friends or your specific skill training likeuh... competitive sports like back i
spoke to bypass the football article in the senate leader was forcedto enter wrestling and issue goes into that proper exercise of the base everythingelse as above you section recreational activityoffered you want specifics portraying which will make more sense in a second but i a proper exercises always going tobe found asian of any other form of a t_v_ you do okay i know we're fine
proper studies yet but let's get to it what is proper exercise proper exercises brief contents infrequent for those three which align with ourancestors an evolution over the course of two point five million years brief intense infrequent are how hermesexercise according to our genomic d_n_a_
chronic party os marxism calls it is nothow we are meant to exercise for posit adaptations we can doit you are the system is there we can run a republican run saigon wire the use of the ramming threehundred fifty miles freighter some like that's a ridiculous thing policing onthe blog people who run people amazing feats through that no doubt a bit that is not how we're meant to exerciseform positive benefits to kerr
the fourth the brains of dying versailles as before that uh... piece of propertysizes that you say it to brief intensive frequent and say is the fourth one that we can provide with moderntechnology rational thinking and logic we can improve upon exercise habits ourancestors the kept them being fed of which most of our country right nowpersonally is not
and a lot of the world a better forabner so also detailed safety the pursuit of fitness it means that pursuing enhance fitness designer one health at some point of exercising safely justify create you will get in shape more than likely
but if u break your leg sprinting ordead elroy will be something your undermine your health ministry offinance of which springs can be very beneficialfor such purposes but again didn't read by stress it's not worth it because undermineherself process singing on outlook without the topic onit touch on there's a process to go for itinterrupts throughout forcing again but i thought or training is a reallybig notion of c knob lot from the cross
the crowd or the people to really focus on thefirst three key is a proper exercise brief intensive frequent they get really focused almost holistic television that's comes fromreviews but he did television focusing ourassisted in terms of exercise they got a brief recess breathing andwhatever falls in line with that forget about safety and a result the result is a motorcyclefunctional training
which of these stuff like that just doing activities in the stalin'seffectively explosive movements to seventy-five special spiders whichwill make you grow more but sprints more like a rock another they look at that susan like broccolifor thursday night stanford accelerants favorite movies but you see i don't drive to actuallythe enemy like the bag and on the movie he's exercising was one more day sequipment and rockies in classical stuff
but looking approx wheelbarrows giant logs running insouthern all this the school looking romantic stuff rightat the newseum batons veer nariman and like billy mays mental illness hereford until just now but i did it makes sense on one level but it's just doesn't work that we've gotten to thesafest ana myself process
totally not prove yourself now we're in the long term that's pure lesson the first things thatare sized forget about the fourth and mike and stay if you can tell thathouse equally important or even this three out of those four keys also unfortunate training it's very hardto develop dysfunctional or in functional or functional strength
that's just what it is you can't lightmake i mean the difference is i can talkabout investors have exposed training your body basically docs for specific movements that you do you can just you can't build strength inthe habit not work for another movement you're coming you can with your bodywill adapt this it's more immoral thing with your brain than actually building muscle or nothinglike that to be reminds me of is up building like lean tissue wouldlean muscle or like bolting muscle
kind of a common possibly seeingbodybuilding and it doesn't hold up this sign saythere's no foundation muscles muscle strength to strength there was no she didn't take long to dowith body composition more than anything not billing specific type of muscle thespecific type of movement muscles muscle strength the strength and finally another formulade comes froma time when you combine multiple goals such asspecific school training and proper so as a result with
there's a lot of time explosive musicare paying for example which would be like a on what to do it whatever but for double parking twenty houses will expose in faz you're going to increase in underminingaffect this of what you're doing almost every single time so if you have separate goals separated activity
trying to combine exercise with aspecific movement separate the two you'll benefit greatly for example ut and i think that would help a lot near spring so if asked him for his friends lot of people just do sprint sprintsprint sprint sprint which will build the muscle by the waywe can make them item six in the world and to build on the muscle the same time i will also get themessage that the new down very fast they
will learn how to run faster as they continue to run but a better way to build strength andsafer way to do is unlike press or squawking and it doesn't left uh... all the rear leg extension thescene like extension it seemed like a machine all these things will build themuscles involved in that movement so they do with the if you take the best option and performproper size which we will continue to be
fine you'll build more muscle which willserve you better when you pull on that specific skill subjectivity specific to the result proper exercise results in specific aspecific result whatsoever tribute their muscles specific skill training likes printingmore salt and better efficiency of motion
four that movement or rolling whatever you're doing itdoesn't matter it's all on the same to be specific the specifics of proper exercise and one word strength training thatreally sums up proper exercise of in in one two words is always going to be strength training
it covers all your bases big cardio socommon referred to which by the way the thing i like about the term argumentwhy a lot of things you guys remember log which is out that reminds them that cardio economy up classes and you can take your heart andyour body ones and you kind of for them on a treadmillunlike working separately away deeper separate muscles likedisconnect and it doesn't work like that
cardio your heart your lungs everythingbetween is always going to be secondary to benefits adaptations by your muscles disposables musclesystem so build muscle first the body willfollow winning part once having alex also cutting out of that is always going to be mechanical workand muscle contraction works parking your lungs take you organs out thurman treadmill
hang on life support and work now doesn't work like that brawling working because your muscleworking and has a better way to do that as amendment two minute than what most people do it ellison is twenty carpeted squeezed intoour region sierra vincennes acti also but none of my time but they did tocardio makes you hungry which gives a sort of little bit of useif they'd aerobic activity state
selectivity is were referred to a talkabout korea macy hungry so that might help people alittle bit again like you're kind of underminingprocess delighted continue on that you guys arequestions about let me know richard bailey speak next sewing tutors hit before mono making hungrythough in the process of trying to burn calories like that's not effective hubert pointcalories
get really hungry did i need six hundredcalories or fells point like and was a little realize that we'redoing it unfortunately posse attending also cover bodycomposition losing weight we're going to add weight on it is the number one way to envisionapples building muscle skyrocketed thousand way faster than any diaper retake
freezing cold water you drink sing the song whatever you do building muscle is the fastest way to tobring up it also has a lot to do this onsensitivity and increasing luggage in stores some more complex virtually but also youguys later the talks a lot more depth about that but think of this where the two mainbenefits for refer to your body composition one wherethe other
from san fran result agreement pup bathroom towels andan increase in sales and spitting actually at the bottom hurt done there's a amicable videos that go offered by mysigns kobe's talks about this concept of an overall overflownsent in regards to the city and now as i said it's awesome
sensitivity kind of ties into reserve on sank on they could work in a second anythingabout this anything above the city as overflowing saying sort of fossils running as water gushinginto spilling out of everything if you turn off the faucet like eatingcorrectly as we talk about a minute funny because we've ever you know that that's not the same for the same stillfall
too or axes out businesses to be fun pans out cdl forcing this topic one divisionfaucet operating right if you want plug this ankles overflowingits injuring outright that's where we lost kind of happens as for the magic happens they continue but lasting the slide
all helpers these benefits candy ad from spring training everythingyou've heard of which there are a with tons of and that you get all those with thelease risk involved that is like mega important safest way to do thingsfor everyone specifics continue what it says brief if you do a lot of volume like everyoneelse commercialism you do in way too much stuff
results in a decrease low-intensitywhich is not exclusively but a major role and building muscle on staying healthy so keep it brief don't do a lot of setsok don't do a lot of excise don't repeat the same us a group don't work it againand again and again do it right do it like there was noanswer so i wouldn't get intense courtesy ofswitching over that until at least one said to tell you whenyou exercise first restaurant
it i actually do it or use the ones that ican actually one set ninety nine of the hard times with thepickup stars no matter what it is squat bench machines calf raises forward anything from my farms to my legs whatever it is a new one said the failure usually eight to twelve reps that sayabout a minute to men and a half is very important to keep intensitydon't confuse intensity with volume a
lot of people worked one work harderthey don't work are they work should load more and testing drops to the floor actually folded into that in the fallthis year i was just training like every asking fifteen hours a week wave way way too much anyway continuing on infrequent talk about the poor i recommend max
absolute max three times a week beforewhat worked out uh... probably better than most peoplebenefit more from two remain one this on your question wilmington deactivated define failure yeah i said hotfix trask yet failure to me is
i've been in this role on time trainingsince i was like fourteen years old and the strengths are going out like sevenmonths fair to me as were my muscles like it cease to work this out a little discoveranymore utter failure if you can get to that co-opt people can't it's a little discomfort it's a little severe discovered it'sreally hard to achieve but i think in time most people can
reached true muscle failure if you can go that's ok get as close asyou can especially starting off by asking you to see it that kind of feeling in the intense burnfrom taking a bus curl personally about the safety but same time expertise and less force as you become weaker which of the drill continual background of the stuff
react right is it true muscle failure atthat don't just played crap out and then whenwe do it again don't review stuff one sector failures are committed to anew more sets as your own thing as long as you want totell your that's what really counts so that's a question strong women question you a question two prizewinner mike anytime within this department
adjective ratings yesterday has worked and the like the basic enlightened you describe thefeeling that you get my right after you're done with the workout like to some sort of the was laying onthe ground level flexeril i but at least without is up also your cardio metabolic conditionsaction much better look at it
when your new training what's a fullbody in one day very intensely when you get done and i promise to take the press ok u dot com talking so when you get it done especially whenyour new you've really winded take your time and drink some waterdixie krummel laid out his dixie take deepbreaths and its advice what your balls off too
but i'll be done yahoo feel like utility that's the onslaught of timewith you fight and die anymore into that was a feeling you want to catch yourbreath that you went you're gonna see a lot better andprogress of the day actually wrote a symphony cracking and feel like store but yet unappetizing if you do it when talking about continue to talk about andrew expandupon who's a friend and personal trainer
his ears and under bed bay dot com uh... yeah i do that now you're looking forgood the next day there's a thunderstorm is to me is iran effect so it's hard to say trainings waysmegastore not make a source would rent per person when it happens and what what happens but also as you continue on with yoursreading like doctors unit is talking about
as there's like i do not like crazy foryou when i get done and now the laptop or network i don'tfeel like he did he worked as night for dinner ones and everything between a picked up and tandem with performing workouts and the skillinvolved even with the specific movements like ido so this will you start out there willsave us a cardio sucks
per child picks up and you've done you livable to breathe normally not like group bluegrass or something like that the defense ofdogs little girls and failure to be really good alright moving on to set up
www crap up twice in once a week i think that theonce we put some months i've extended out of the placement ofthe less once a week it turns out for me personally about once a week of onehundred amending farewell from a and probably most of you i believe you live about average unitedstate a little bit of in some areas a littlebit under and other areas which would be more to the second ifit's on the road to continue let's talk about
so again a sigma full-body workouts splitting your routine usually results in too much volumepeople do it once again more dance if they really want to leave at that pointthe scientists are the best thing to do it even full-body using a new lessyou've been a gym you won't you let me try not to redoexercises aka don't do it on borrowed repressingmachinery pressed like this doing that's why it's so pretty movementleaders redoing thing over and over again
if they didn't dislike doing more moresets are necessary for best results so do more but full-bodied and outdoorsplit-up and end up doing like a sense of point fifteen effect sizes video and and repeat with other partner bodies waytoo much stuff to do key before body there are also hormone responses anduh... they're better dunes workout any complication and and uh... placingthat were saying
but evolution we have been going to be like we're going to say all the sudden workedjust our like biceps and then get done like cheating on an animal or somethingis very rare work out that way or exercise performance of an activity thatway is usually all come together and as a result i believe this of matter a little bit a debate
workout full body this is a bettergrowth from a response and saw several production is little bit increase we still think wars intricacy has now disturbs verdad appalls did was that he has a very good messing with it dot every democrat barrel for him completely necessary to
final details an exercise continuing onfor the books i'll recommend you guys for further details off starting out picket like other ontopping the ias recommend you guys do but handful movement so we're going toour body go back to back as fast as you can without stirring up your form for being so when did you actually perform less intensely on s exercise
not because most of the training butbecause he missed a lot of refugee continue on dr actually shooter experiment a problemin due to some other logistical things thathappened gendron like republican up our facility careful movements working tire body but not so fast that you like screw-up you know don't strengthen existing orwhatever you're doing a barbell don't bet
walker fast at your breath that on the ground don't talk use often shouldn't even be in the gym you know if you have an ipod who is notdone thick with it forbid you don't have a bit i would be on equipment they recommend a good machines
or there's one thing today from actuallybody website pool did machines being a certain brands autogranted without an even look cheap atop another before meeting crappy roca if you can find almost machines orinside mexico sits on or maxima ticular define those that arefine you find almost medics side x hammer strength those brands are good but more oftenthan not
other ones like all kinds of crack at the random namesengine detained identified stay away from them it much more rapid bodyweight exercisesfor free weights barbosa nonetheless i'll get to midwest too subtle forget if you do have to take opry ways i have written a book called moment arm exercise
is not so easy to find that the otherblog three months dot net animated money off this sums for moneyand some of the book the guy's name the operas both signed a great guy began usable but i've read a book and it will reallyhelp you improving biomechanics behind exercise movements involved withfreeways is critical for free weights if you have access to give machines arein reading the book after another book commission
sons this is kinda confusing but if you only have to raise moment armexercises really really good so it has a slight about books out howto recommend this one is body by science reasonenough this book is fricking awesome when ihear from his book actually read it leg in two cities in the bookstorebrighton bought it a six of these invites them to read thisbook and so i sat with them up on the ground
i didn't like seventy one on the groundsof the god-like brooke is so awesome because as a matter of quick leading up to thequeen bed vessel was in the failed me as iincrease wish is recommended by the commercialism as a kind of uh... general would look atit doing more more more is like a reallybring ung cause of the dual exercise
as a good one of falling ten fifteeneven more than that some of the week training our results are diminished progressively bit by bit i was like whatthe f freaking i'm a nice run half marathon stuff everyweek like songs like towers at a time obvious is insanely at my results godown and is legally cracks membrane as i callit eleanor this book fill those cracks inhouse like
sadly so the really good how determined by my signs other doug got a big inspiration butthings in the speech jude's coming book when it comes out his blogs excellent whatever's in his book was a little oddthings the blob also more things will be like so badass
uh... audit on its own or thecomplemented by my signs and momentum exercise really good stuff as a result about moment size is reallygood uh... redid after body by science givensteve read by the serbs twice before in this book uh... if you have access to build talkedabout is the author freeways uh... read a book alongside of out of ascience i wouldn't say before we
reduces you can read directly after it also go on people and you can findalmost exercisable since the kind of um... polarizing to most people finding thegenerally but i've been getting my speech you guys would really like likethat stuff you got to go or arthur jones exercise dot com yes so i'm out of his mind my blog dream iwas done at the fine
the nodal zach says bolton's if not justsearch models exercise bolton's on the role in the poll right up they are pretty long kind of races but really strong well-written entry excellent and moving on totally autologous switching topics two go on for a lot proper nutrition recycle proper exercisedata just demerit exercise
was going to proper nutrition studiestypical run of the bill speed intrusion always brainwash dot things in that we've beenled to believe about patrician is big into it up before getting actually good arbitration compliments and your life a-bands regular exercise
if you're exercising right repeating right now in arguments like that but should be obvious but is the case i want to say that it's their support all physicalendeavors of the talking about fat blossom also gain rehabilitation from an injury your overall well-being immune systembilly and jane helen sleeve
everything's involves everything related ever think of some things like that freely in absolute separate from the concept especially exercise anintrusion too little or big problems with for the e today and some of that she recommended war incorrectly labelled number one scorn
are to say this corn is not fruit and vegetable to grain it's very very grand hasn't grown the wildcats documentation some weird plant or something like corn in southamerica
we found it in the court of india forthousand years but is totally four a diet and everything aside it is a slightcrappy can even grow on its own if we don't cultivated ages they would use dotout there'd be no court on the planet for career is not a festival somehow cuba vegetables was cornered iguess there's bring a smile and argue anything like this wrong agree with the figure it out yet is not vessel
as i see in my nutrition classes yes insome array of this error summer imagine and my licensed dietitian nutritionteacher said there was a vegetable in at that point has please shut off it waslike oh my god like that that's like to her that should havebeen very well-known like corn is not a vegetable but anyway who are not permitted soytubes are being is also a lot like for me and it's veryvery common both of these things are nearly every single in almost everysingle food you eat throughout the day
lessening like i'd god i hate now is seriously lightly isn't everyfriggin food in even the evening eating me to do it alleat meat nine on some restaurants a really goodsource of markets in the media is fed corn and select religiously corn and soy corn soy this other formingup when you're still eating corn and soy
corn and soy corn soy ever heard of optical record fed rock or a bad thing to think about it and i said both of these are completelyon absolute diet completely not necessary to evergreen imean if you want to eat for like finally gerber there somethinglet's take a trip like coordinated which it probably well butthey're not like corn oil agrees that we do you think you're goingto vegetable at the supermarket not like to place a to mail a check yourfree
that's left is cornwell on itsprotective stuff corn seriously isn't everything in the in soil you'vegot a void i recommend as much as possible these two things in particular will roll hall of property tristen ek and i decided to be in berlin for further reading up on it rant on these topics but you what wouldbe to further our new research for these two particularthings
corn soy are involved in these are things aresubstances to me kink warns the movies a documentary cameout on p_b_s_ while ago google you'd see that you will find itor you can do it the on there or read the on the wars dilemma in anymajor bookstore library the other words on details is has read a little while ago detailsthese two things really really good tuning on
proper attrition to name is always going to follow at least at this point and when i found normally arguing this is always going to follow earlier well is always go follow our ancestors arepollution almost every single time legs reallyreally read well so will exercise i thought you guys butagain since we've made say for example
with nutrition there's not as many i believe it was afew but the most part exercising to model loosely whereasassisted exactly exposes you want bent and people some stuff that's like somenew investment sanitized most offer not most office crap thissong crap suncorp popcorn cores new crap
uh... respect recess is what they again are dietary habits of all of coursealike to a half million years depending on whoyou ask to minors nine-and-a-half years to happen is and how to get that were arranged to behonest pegasus would be of all but anyway are hiring an argument that much that manymillions of years evolution for how he is really really tough exercise
we can produce a few food you'd like a recesses aka that's a good best buys it give you so was i mean backward auditing quick things needs fish fallon eggs exhibitor go i think areally really really good they're like majors multivitamin extraordinaire might not even forgetvitamins a dose of everything and walks
also whole eggs but it's important that you get it ifnot whatever but if you can find it at wholefoodspublic's or a gate recall but i don't have to find afisherman out too it's like a actresses christmas dinner this prisoner it's like a opted unicode opt-in like thomas farm instructing the call isfrom really i quoted
that is grass fed actually free range for example chicken most humans are fedand chick to connect to come out of the in them and interesting contemplates thatrespect corn and soy talk about chickens affect corn soy essence or if there's a lot of fishfarmed fish corn and soy when one fish feed corn and soy unlike evolution never
they would never eat that coversridiculous but that's what the fed and all cleaned up that you meet yorkie so they can get get products mammals that are grass fed beer in japan as a lot to do the fight concert and everthing else innovative so that's an awesome if not
but meats fish colleagues nuts and seeds ummm not all that lacking in details and someof their it's a really good almonds walnuts pecans section c dot a medley or not brazil nuts are okay poppy seeds flaxseed has grown up for you to it really really well
we think that also vegetables notches at non-startervegetables uh... trisomy from potatoes protect me vegetable but needle inwaltham went to that one second but ob vegetables anyone broccoli special is awesome carrots whatever carries active
some start with whatever good stuff still isn't a dozen of thegood veggies fruits it's hard list that was for is a goodwhich which are not bit from my experience what i've read birds are also especially berries blueberries raspberries primary whateverstrawberries actually avocados are like a large verya very good for you
stay away from brainless and ernie els weight redbold like crap if you can use avoid i think that way now you can eat it everyone solve it fitting a similar grain and being used to europa like for inspire up aka actually let me ask this however ialways try to rid of acne
and i'm not and i believe my face and perfect rightnow but i tried a lot of different things and alot of like applicants to and the two things are the most back their drinkingjust water or almost as water nothing else to bring lots of it by stopping brains possibly grains in late september was ayear ago two thousand eight mattingly from like you know that's about it all to like
not exist in a while since it is prettyrare item is that at all now everyone right now at the commitment wasa bit it just abruptly like stops and alsomucous my precisely that every morning because my clerk flooded grandstandsbonus prize money as our two i say that every morning and hotmail movies likefor like fifteen minutes of more than non-smokers how we're gonna referencealso become a thousand peaking go to sit there talking of phlegmforever and ever possibly mean drains and beans ms abruptly stopped
stay away from we are substancessubstances talk vegetable oil uh... for insights for all corn oil in soil more porn more soil don't want annette said all world is awesome foryou extra virgin olive oil straight baumholder fruits so most of that i think it's vegetablebut it's not all of the fruits
all those great anything is labeled as well that sucksan esteemed when you get more often on at restaurants even if they say it's all a little when i say it's all a lot times of itsexam agree is restaurant near ec f assaults mixture of so they're all inall of us extended alluded visits cheaper which sucks you're again stated so late
most darien alcohol obviously manawatu you people drink whatever avoided as much as you can and beer ticular earnings pretty bad it can not raise estrogen levels whichis as soon as a chemo hormone and that actually sequels of decreasingtestosterone
actually see guys give they're justmeans that is specific because we asked him which sucks for its action really good sweet un derry try to avoid that too the things about their egos actually gotmarxist unlike a lot to blog about one second by dairies na kam
sweetly back from everyone else whoreally gets that i still think typical legged area justsucks you want to quit it as much as you can you can eat our grass fed not phallicbutter obvi site content ended is a lot betterlockhart two maybe three is it's not too bad so you need that grass fed in secularside respite there's no reason needed for the purposeof proper nutrition and grass fed way
it's okay it's a great resource if your body is a reacted negatively casein and lactose the sugar in milk orwas a really is freedom you drink milk and although corn insulin into are you talking about probably withinisrael from a guy named marks the sand i'm talking about the offer anywaymarxism wrote probably print it's a great book of attrition of withname but ivers blog extensively is a greatguy his visa nutrition
exactly same as my own is blogmarksdaily apple dot com onsite really get stuffed in his book lethalpassage for wii also exercise stuff in it i would tend to go with what is the body by science leaps andbounds nutrition in the book called probablyprint more specifically speaking there's abook by guiding johnny but johnny voted earnings they say it it's called you're going to be heldthese views on earth
degree book as a major book stores rightnow probably and you can get on amazon private sources musher but i can she books nutrition labels directorstars we could probably print blueprint and the hundreds of theobvious bizarre unearned income nerve get into some african children try tofinish this up and all the questions
protein as an actor stream of the three majorones i think that conventional wisdom against televisionin terms of protein-protein is awesome essential for your body absolutely need protein social nino acids yesterday fossil it's truth proteins great they deserve i think is overrated
people especially when they get intobuilding muscle working out body building where bill call it beijing to cecil b_ proteins pretty well know is like muscle heads michael protein shakes it that music video thatguy who sing about alot the yet your bombs and all of thevehicle areas hum mohammed protein
but it's true people so service and i think there are other things thatare almost equally as important almost of necessity red meat from grass that uh... steersfor example are is really good supper buffalo even by some miracle there's crazy not to support indeed uh... eggs whole eggs have all kinds ofbody axis of his whole and crawling acid
on site and a chronic ran across and reread important bottom us along witheverything else and a which is very very good for you selenium it's also makes also brazilnuts opic australia to support for a country and other muscle like a necessarily rom to help lower acid levels which is kindof equivalent of raising testosterone
broccoli almonds eat all that you want dolores with him these things are important but they'rekind of neglected sharmin faced a protein let me just like the protein it also note each dispute that bikeanimal protein ended he he know two hundred milligrams a day to stuff saku you're replacing other things you coulduse a need for booking muscle
helped with protein and a lot of the two is very well knownto stress your other burglar organs especially liver and really the benefit excess is not pretty but certainly there for a little and when you talk a bit it's a stranger you don't need it
none of that dist dot makers fat the logic of looking at the senses likethat that makes you fat why wouldn't that make is that thatinstead it's gonna be a plan words very soon i'll tell you right now since october first st upton's point hiding more fat criminalshas room
arlington outside the absolute out of it all kinds of it too monounsaturated saturated point saturated everything accepttransfer how much i should have mentioned earlier wait a minute but i've been a ton of fat author will say that well you couldgenetics for being liam at about ten percent bodyfat was freely
drama area i grew up when i graduated high school i weigh onehundred ninety eight counts are ninety and right got into my senior high schoolseasoning eileen o'connor ninety-eightthree-quarter pants almost workouts right now i weighed two hundred seventysix percent of balance then i was eating not a lot of that nowyou've talked about that alone should be very intersting toyou guys and going further and her overweight
granddaughter who wait on top of thatmike immediate family no one is lame my extended family no one is leanhandling this person i've seen out of it doesn t want just all thewedding led by a longshot everyone else'soverweight my genetics na superior or bingley yet eight more fat every city one ofthose people that was a poor concept when we had to watch second
that's actually an important for fatloss my pain and many others and body my signs focused years again that i mentioned they talk about how fatty acids relateto health and weight loss very very well and and medical doctorherman garfunkel really really good way better than icould ever but ran up here so when you read by those signs which istrongly recommend are rooted apart
three times but also needs to take up the bulk ofyour calories when you've carbohydrate a lot of problems uh... protein obscene to talk aboutstudents can do it so out of three needs that the calories we need every day to expendton of even if you sit down and sarah wallet diet
uh... also going bad fat inherently distressed that simply enoughfood i've mentioned negative trans fat semi-fat oxidized unlike purple all really really over cut ok oreven play with some basis things oxidize easily are sleeping informal wordpress prods i was not too bad the best oils to usefor cooking purposes are coconut andropov red comparable they are known to his grasp at borders
pretty good with the other fats corn soil for examplewill be cook for the overtook at low temperature whenyour freind like massively coconut and revolve corporate sampledon't do that in a much much our standpoint which is important for anything trying whatever you do first years of these sonya knowing that that is transparent
that's becoming commercialism out which is awesome latest saidcommercialism isn't always bad this more often than not that so the coming out ofthat power to people doing it carbohydrate adorns the powerpoint but it's importantto understand item s in a minute ago there are essential amino acids proteinis essential to your body now that it
would dot the saying goes with that technically you can live without thereis no such thing as a result of carbohydrate it does not exist in natureyou do not absolutely needed through the diet becker sources diplomatic your body uses other compounds upwardsin a lot actually to create by getting your body
or things like that to come by sincesuch anyway up there's no cost us about it no date really was the rarest magazine for two pointfive million years of are volition as a species if you were born hard as years ago father buzzers go nine years ago to be the same body are now and you knowwhat we're not going to eat something
for for a week police common matter to you would find everysingle time without question provided the opposite is true not up use at a restaurant forgone thesomething or other hit home with me or whatever publix walmart or ever almost not every time but a lot of timeall these refined carbohydrates
possums drain thirteen and so on is the time of carbohydrates sugarsreserving hubs corn syrup all the stuff reading a ton ofcarbohydrate all the sudden for millions of years we nothing with atprotein not included almost best majority willbe a all the sudden now carballo gas is signals fat storage it was so rarebagged and that will meet ate a lot of it but we found some of it provides the store fat eluded history'sbikes in insulin
this would be blustery goes up insultthe hormone secreted by bodies hearing about your low back down from the government rates insulin is a fat storing trump hormoneit a menace is exclusively the reason we'reoverweight spiking too much but is a major one insulin you know once by dividing provide ratesor lots of them or specially al one's privacy connects
um so it straight shooter isliye father leon oswald updated carbon black people here love's look ourstuff and it's a go back and smiles crap card will not be any other marketing youknow they're not necessary but i recommend you even from good sources one not such a vegetables ronnie van which is like regular honey except sleptwith a lot cyprus turning a promise
yes if i had one or sometimes that's thecommon abn nuts identify vernon alertness seeds those carbs are cool wenyi refined carbohydrate answer to that like corn and soy pots ofcommonly not daring to milkshakes and our stuff
i mean is that sugar editor and publisher to some silly stuff on a list software gettwo questions were shocked by the government a little bit with uh... spot reduction in terms of exercises absolutelyimpossible your bodies at work that way and it never does that have cases theyhave no idea of talking about spot reduction suffered work
like about earlier lena bulging muscleor concepts that are like non-existent muscles muscle lean in bulky as a result of bodycomposition not the way you both for muscles that you can't go but they're not boltingcancel sounds like a rocky bullwinkle olson anyway i have to you can build lean muscle by doing a lotof rats for example like palak allowed
kate for uploading almost lidat lo wraps itdoesn't work that way the loss of muscle factor with possiblewhich was wrong body massage my opinion you would result great favor trying to do one of the others work thatway you can go for that gold isunderstanding muscles muscle there's no magic does every trade statusreport that completely sucks
you can take some concoction of pills to fix your diet doesn't work that way fully possible can do it is ever come around hebert heart venison the messenger ofuh... bad news but it's not coming butter up for that strength training not being for women tumi totally silly and ridiculous
we're all human beings are bodies workhomes exact same waiver process gender strengthening signal for women is reallyreally important because naturally they have less muscle than us like nine out of ten times are gone body byscience are not the home page that book talk specifically why woman need centerin the bed and as line twenty of the renowned itwas for as long as one girl a strengthening it is proper exercise that goes that appliesfor everyone involved
that this guy is not just girls everyone of that object what i said because as so oftenpolicing policy girls are like as originally solemn some call theinternet blog cardio bunnies girls go to the gym did nothing aboutthe political or serve asker or treadmill they do that is they shy away from thesign-up for training that'll get the ball players somewherecrap like that
was completely possible that i have theability to do that most grocery your life will never get asbig as you are even if your scrawny little bastard ok i guarantee you he didnot have the ability and if you are a person know that youdid a pretty good tential ross nutcracker tonight you're lookingright now you can though that ok is possible leading up to some ridiculous level butyou can add a lot of muscle uh... as a natural air intentionallyburning calories director size holy not cool not submitted by cardio
in short the machines that said by thescience come alive you london bojan a political ask your weight is asking to issue calculator restingmetabolic raped or how many calories you burn if you just said their and watch the guy political so the telugu anyway who tells you youburned two hundred calories a hundred or more those calories and security minutes
or would have been burned already dislooking at the gop political ca burning exide burn calories correctsizes just not that many more we're not built dot unofficially size with hisburn off park that stores like rudely quick also people that really going to breakout of the nice to be into even if you burn a thousand and that's shipment weapons are notgoing to ask christ exercise like as an
incredible amount each pound of body fat stores over aboutthirty five hundred calories that's enough for most people is room torun a marathon and then some on that one pound the fat thing about the next time hoping thatyou with somebody you know those runs five miles they're not even a br closed at body fatoff and they do that all week long the repetitive stress your body heavily outweighs
the calories burned a much better way toburn calories is if you want to stick with that cost thatis to build muscle ok ate a little bit less petrology input set up a much much safer also stacey rebecca aerobic activity andcardio so i call it girls positive it destroys muscle you too much of it oreven a little bit of it previously tearing muscle becauseexercise damaging in austin limited
stimulated to grow this lows are metabolism down over time really bad idea and uh... the root cause of the city is not besaid terry and i recommend you guys like never go for running down your life fornext i'm going to be sure positive press the football you said their dislike you're free to run or something thatcould be weird but not be any sense ari
to me is not the real cause of the city a_b_c_ epidemic its talking too much way to restart excuse waiting for a pptwhich provide rate and people doing now tons of very ineffective orcounterproductive exercise or activities won't call it the size take this where could you take one thingwafer this size speech it's a car dealers in actually not helpyou at all
is not to help me very much for all forlosing weight joining up for important finally a cluster all of my dreams as we have timei want the questions actually cholesterols on helen dot for you tothink that senate clog your arteries biting it from an egg or some other meat its interest rate your heart show you is working that tearing out your bodywas not taking food to do that to you
what actually does cause rising quitestrong parking decreased heart health are trans fat and information from spikeinsulin uh... fine carbohydrates you know what trans fat risk your lifeand spoken syllables too much your harvey awesome okay cluster old argument heaters inside twin brother evil twinbrother saturated fat these things are both our diet formillions of years in your body
understands very well your body actually makes a ton of plusor regain when you need some action decrease the amount of common sense are really kind of the pitch for aquestions out of our blogmarks dot net germans years nobody by now was reading a book for the second book ever cauldron that saudi we'll stand up on all these concepts andthe way i see them as i just told you undp
much better than appeared for a lot of time and the bestbut and both are a lot of time to sit down and we're going to concept of told youabout the way that you guys will understand very well xoxoxoxo that was my speech of the questions so it's not yet godsand they're going on op questions and and i got in a speechfor other speakers at that
drama desk with i'm really nervous but igotta tell you that was incredible i've never seen anything like that and i wasreally be muscle publicly but thanks i must say i'm not going to try to dothis but you deserve a standing of christmastime might be sure that thetime that means a lot court yet uh... yes no question about full-bodyworkouts go for understand the benefits but i don't wait until understands idont if you're doing that as a post-electionwhich training dept
and you just don't like one set permuscle group yet for example like if you're doingoverhead press for shoulders yet then how would you significantly lipsignificantly hit the rear shoulder vineyard baccarat boise traps blast allout yet thing about the single body like isaid if you just take this and maybe drifting into the smallest questioningthe extra answers but for real well assayed splitting up enjoy most of the failure what do you dogo to the gym for patrons a week do one exercise and leave
that that he is like this really is agood time excuse me grows but i said it in the o_j_ i must saycomment support doctor and a lot of people splits but there are workouts shoulders and biceps on like that if you're going to be working out how irecommend or dug up by my signs madoc recommend you'd go n do one set the failure ofacted on exercising repress with their shoulders and then you dowith the bicep curl
and that's it could be done that he seems really and affected is walking a lot of timesyou walking on the chin toward antibody brokerage latest set a recess is worked out thenever worked out just their biceps they were never is go out dot like do some activity like this and then get done they would useeverything not to have to do that
alts in time for some functionalmovement but is this your body responds bettermodel emu do everything on same day annual out a lot of rattled mop a proper and amount of rest in betweenyour next full-body workout prod them trying tojuggle and diana on your own with euro now your own insights which dropped us or shortsightedyourself to get a copy of things at
least i do ibridge basie needed each other jugglelike recovery work for your muscles uses for up to youthful body you one day weights it again weights do it again he does have all the republican things tessick russian political life stuff
next door's been repaired andy if you'dlike them around places the sixteen th teaches we got the best forms of the desires ofyour house or something your bare hands secretary mining is although some at least the strawtrotman asking that antenna entrance fees but accordion now that i sent
yeah yeah yeah but yet and this is the issue of the divergences universitat also that intrusive insisting that she didn't susteren allof us in what is your differences should betreated no question about it there are some uh... i know my pink marks just dribbled aboutit
if anything i think uh... one reality of for millions of years ago abu men andwomen gender wise were meeting to differently from each other so i don't think there are a lot ofracism in the candy for certain circumstances like pregnancy and such agree maybe like mep menopause is like that
if anything though does understand thatlight is important for both of you not for menand women to not eat foods that raise estrogen levelsthat's is a natural for everyone woman action we're done withprogesterone leaders called not estrogen so they need a lot of i'd bring fattyfoods not to talk whether there's over a whileback uh... man
dreyfus susan solely in beer in thingslike that which college grows icy out icing on a million hetero they down allthese things and the israelis are symbols of the roof nasa colva beach decreasing testosteronewhich men and women both out of quite a bit mike mike mike or for the reason that a lot of girlsare developing younger is because of that factors grains on estrogen levels and it was just last year alone
just ask for one fax libido in women fyou don't want you're always that's been reduced a lotbetter specialists obviously don't want them to have asmuch to start your own as me and but that maybe they have a certain amount ofdistrust and stars dropping and there'll be doug's going to dropwhich is also benefit of exercise women if woman exercise regularly she's notjust have a better figure but she's going to have a higher sex drive becauseit's going to keep that just ask them within what's a good range for a womanto have exactly it's all about balancing ourmyspace isn't giving it all
the way it was meant to be if you'reborn long time ago one more question and then we'll get your appear and you can answerjust buy anything i can honestly it's almost a reason and i can also abackup if need be aka you're saying about so it's really goodcould research the myself this question stated yet dozens or you also have a lot of sinoestrogens which are very bad for male testosterone levels to begin with at her door but i believe in hormonelevels trees you must have regarding
i want to say you're right but i'm notgoing to end like verify that i'm not you-know-who verse and every world lit there a lot of they're both going versions of estrogen look to stop into everything so its iscomplex but you're probably right if it doesn't longer diet and you eat it and your man or womanthere's no telling what kind of that is having a body corn and soy insecurity of
this is there's no time look at itaffects our habits all interrelated it's
not separate and doings please connect and disconnect thingslike that i take it off as i've been thank you foryour time travail tear it up the jesus
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